
People I know and I think are cool
Christopher S. Jones - The original Drama King and his personal photos reside on this page. Ph33r its Candor!
Momir Farooq - an awesome artist and minature painter also a part time pirate
The NetWatcher - blog and links of my friend since high school and all around evil genius Wayne Wright
Tyrsia.com - Rachel Jorgensen is a nice girl... too nice...I don't trust her.
RPG Gaming Roll initiative
Aquela.com - A game designer and devout Christian (see not everybody invoved in D&D worships Satan)
Bruce Cordell - Homepage of game designer Bruce Cordell creator of 3.5 psionics and a number of other supplements I enjoy.
Candlekeep - Got a question only Ed Greenwood can answer? This is the place to ask him.
Dungeons & Dragons - the first name in fantasy roleplaying and the game that taught me to Luuuuuuv Satan
Ema's Homepage - Beautifully created character sheets can be found here.
Jonathan Tweet - Another game designer and a strong athiest site, step right up and get a face full of sass.
Monte Cook - Home of Monte Cook and Malhavoc Press, neat stuff all around.
Sean K. Reynolds - Also a game designer and has a site with some cool free content.
S.R.D. - The d20 system reference document. The fluff free version of the worlds best game.
Modern S.R.D. - The fluff free version of the best game in the world's spinoff game
Web Comics Bring the
funny Damnit!
Nodwick.com - Aaron Williams can do it all. Full frontal Nerdity is here as well
Penny Arcade - I'm not into video games so much but I still enjoy the hell out of this comic.
PVP - The closest thing to Bloom County I think I'm going to find.But awesome on it's own as well.
Websnark.com - This guy loves web comics and we're all better off because of it.
Movies Movies that suck
and movies that rock.
IMDb.com - the Internet Movie Database, an awesome resource for movie lovers
Superhero Hype - a cool site to get the news on all the latest superhero films
Cool Stuff People should
support cool things, cause there are to many things in the world that suck.
[adult swim] - cartoons for My demographic...oh
and Milk Chan (bleh)
Adventure Quest - SO you like wasting copious amounts of time? Good! Click this one!
Robotech.com - Strap on your Cyclone Armor and get ready to ride.
Space.com - Of course it's cool...it's Space, Damnit!
Crazy Stuff If it seems
insane, this is where i'll put it.
Chick Publications - The paranoid fundamentalist rantings of the inimitable Jack Chick in elegantly drawn comic book format
Operation Clambake - The site itself is not crazy, but shows just how crazy scientology it
Sanguinarius.org - For real Vampires. That's right, online support for people who think they are Vampires.

